Thursday, December 26, 2019

Literary Analysis Dream Like Quality - 1867 Words

Jorge Luis Borges was an Argentine writer who lived between the years of 1899 and 1986. Borges is known for his short stories that use elements of magic realism to leave the reader wondering about themselves and the world they live in. Magic realism can be defined as giving the story â€Å"dream-like quality† which is â€Å"captured by the presentation of improbable juxtapositions in a style that is highly objective, precise, and deceptively simple† (Menton 412). Borges used this to his advantage by taking simple everyday scenarios and adding a twist. In the case of â€Å"Dreamtiger,† â€Å"Inferno, I, 32,† and â€Å"Blue Tiger,† it is the element of a big cat. This forces the reader to identify with the protagonist, and as the narrators in these stories do, the reader themselves goes on to individualize in their journey to discovering their true â€Å"Self†.The journey to finding fulfillment is not easy but is important. Borges makes this ev ident by challenging the protagonists in his stories, he paints their journey as a labyrinth. Like a labyrinth the journey has no clear path, and has many possibilities, but once the center is reached, you find what you were looking for. Borges uses big cats to symbolize the process of individualization, and the obstacles a person must face in order to discover their true â€Å"Self†. It was during the 1920s that Borges first published his works of literature. It was also at this time that the concept of magic realism was gaining popularity and the works of Carl JungShow MoreRelatedLiterary Techniques Poetry Analysis 1758 Words   |  6 PagesLiterary Techniques: Poetry Analysis 1 Diction and Imagery Literary Techniques †¢ The meaning of a poem (i.e its focus, mood and the speaker’s attitude) is enhanced by four main types of literary techniques: †¢ Diction †¢ Imagery †¢ Sound devices †¢ Rhythm, Rhyme and Repetition Diction †¢ Diction is the choice of words a poet uses to bring meaning across. In working through a poem, it is useful to question why a certain word is used, and what kind of effect is achieved with the choice and placementRead Moresparknotes vs cliffnotes830 Words   |  4 Pagesimprove understanding the literary elements, character developments, and plot development that a author uses to help create the story. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Effects Of Early Educational And Extra Curricular...

Taking Sides: Modern-Day Parenthood The purpose of this paper is to provide a critical examination of the research by Anne R. Pierce regarding the effects of early educational and extra-curricular activities on the overall development of children (Pierce, 2002, p.39-43). The three flaws analyzed from the article Who’s Raising Baby? Challenges to Modern-Day Parenting, are the lack of supporting data analysis, presence of confounding variables, and lack of statistical evidence to support the claim. The strength of the research is found in the use of multiple credible sources to support the claim that child development is hindered by early pressures from education and auxiliary activities. Summary In the article, Anne R. Pierce provides a discourse to support her claim that children are spending more time outside the home because of an increase in educational and extra-curricular activities from a young age which is hindering children’s development. She also discusses how even when children are at home there is a lack of developmentally stimulating activities taking place (Pierce, 2002, p. 39). Pierce cites this occurrence as being a result of the increased desire of parents for their children to be more competitive and to have an advantage in the future, which creates a â€Å"philosophy of child rearing as a race†¦ [which] compels families toward incessant action† (Pierce, 2002, p. 40). The article goes through different aspects of psychological, emotional, and social developmentShow MoreRelated1 Student 1 Sport Policy1750 Words   |  7 Pagessports, but most voluntarily participated in the sport activities of their choice. Sports serve as an excellent p hysical exercise. Those who play sports have a more positive body image than those who do not. Sports often involve physical activities like running, jumping, stretching and moving about which turn out to be a good body workout. Playing sports is energy put to good use. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Startup Funding For Nestle Baby Food in Myanmar

Question: Discuss about theStartup Funding For Nestle Baby Food in Myanmar. Answer: Introduction: The baby food market mainly comprises of four product largely dried infant food, infant milk formula, prepared infant food and other baby food supplement (Mesch et al. 2014). The Myanmar food market is less regulated as compared to other market. Moreover, the sizeable population has provided many opportunities pertaining to market penetration. This summary report evaluates the market conditions prevailing at the Myanmar market in order to compute estimated level of costs that the company procures. Discussion: The amount of the Initial findings has been allocated in the following manner: Initial Funds Amount (Burmese Kyat) Initial Expenses: Regulatory costs 23,779,800 Logistical framework 48,040,000 Production facilities maintenance 29,064,200 Distribution costs 30,385,300 Research Development Expenses 36,030,000 Office expenses 48,880,700 Raw materials procurements 300,250,000 Initial Promotional Expenses 84,070,000 600,500,000 Start-up Assets 850,000,000 Total Funds 1,450,500,000 Assets: Non-cash assets 3400000000 Cash Needs 3200000000 Additional cash obtained NIL Opening cash balance 4,600,000 Total Assets 6604600000 Liabilities and Capital: Present Borrowings NIL Long-term loans NIL Accounts payable NIL Non-current liabilities NIL Total liabilities NIL Capital: Owners 560000000 Investors NIL Additional Funds NIL Total planned investment 560000000 Loss incurred during start-up expenses 46000000 Total Capital 514000000 Total Capital and Liabilities 560000000 Table 1: Estimated startup funding for the launch (Source: As created by the Author) Estimated Returns from products offered by Nestle Products 1st year 2nd Year 3rd Year Dried Infant Food (30%) 16213500 17996985 20606548 Infant Milk Formula (20%) 10809000 11997990 13737699 Prepared Infant Food (25%) 13511250 14997488 17172123 Baby Food Supplement (25%) 13511250 14997488 17172123 Total returns 54045000 59989950 68688493 Table 2: Estimated Returns (Source: As created by the Author) The numerous estimated expanses requires for the startup funds have been derived after taking into account the food industry dynamics prevailing in Myanmar. The initial expense pertaining to the costs stands at 600,500,000 Kyat after taking into account the probable expenses relating to the manufacturing, production facilities, expected distribution and promotional costs ( 2016). The return from different baby food items have been estimated at 9% of the initial expenses due to the fact that food market in Myanmar is showcasing profit margins of around 10%. Moreover, returns over the next two year have been estimated to be 11% and 14.5% on expenses based on estimated forecasts (Myanmar Medical Exhibition, Healthcare Conference. 2016). It has been suggested that initial funding should be sourced from the retained earnings pertaining to the other businesses of Nestle. Conclusion: The report shows the computation of initial funds required to launch Nestls baby food products in the Myanmar markets. The initial costs pertaining to regulatory expenses and raw material procurements are high followed by the logistical operations because of accessibility issues. The returns have been estimated after taking into account the industry forecasts. Moreover, the returns pertaining to different products have been apportioned according to the estimated contribution that each of the four-food item will provide. The chosen source of funding relating to the launch of the product line has been selected to be internal in nature as the retained earnings is recommended to be utilized in order to minimize the cost of capital. References and Bibliography: (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Sep. 2016]. Allied Market Research. (2016). Baby Food Market By Product Type (Dried baby food, Milk formula, Prepared baby food) and Distribution Channel (Super markets, Hyper markets, Small grocery retailers, Health and Beauty retailers) - Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2014 - 2020. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Sep. 2016]. Mesch, C.M., Stimming, M., Foterek, K., Hilbig, A., Alexy, U., Kersting, M. and Libuda, L., 2014. Food variety in commercial and homemade complementary meals for infants in Germany. Market survey and dietary practice.Appetite,76, pp.113-119. Dunn, E.C., 2015.Privatizing Poland: Baby food, big business, and the remaking of labor. Cornell University Press. Myanmar Medical Exhibition, Healthcare Conference. (2016). Myanmar Baby Food Supplements Health Drink Registration FDA Myanmar. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Sep. 2016]. (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Sep. 2016].

Monday, December 2, 2019

Parents Taking Control Of Their Childrens Education Essays

Parent's taking control of their children's education Sign up now for a free trial. Date Smarter! Parent's taking control of their children's education Never before in the United States have parents been so disgruntled about their children's education. The main reason behind this massive disruption is that public schools are not living up to parent's standards. Therefore, parents are taking their children's educations and futures into their own hands, and doing so quite efficiently. Many parents are turning to ["an alternative"] means of educating known as home schooling. Home schooling is simply ["education of school- aged children at home rather than at school."] Parents are choosing home schooling over public because public schools are not meeting their children's academic, individual, and handicap needs. First, parents are choosing home schooling over public schooling because public schools are not meeting student's academic needs. [Parents expect their children will learn to read, write, and acquire basic math skills by the time they graduate.] However, public schools throughout the United States are failing to teach these basic achedemic skills. Recent studies show that [" Of the 2.4 million who graduate, as many as 25% cannot read or write at the eighth grade level or "functionally literate," level, according to some estimates."] This is a tragic statistic for a nation claiming to be so developed. There are more opportunities to education in the United States than any other country in the world, yet evidence shows that the United States ranks [" at the bottom of 19 industrial nations in reading, writing, and arithmetic."] In addition, students are ranking lower than ever on Academic Achievement Tests (ACT). Children who attend public schools rank in the [" 50th percentile."] whereas, home schooled children [" typically score at the 65th to 80th percentile...."] To add to these statistics, [" in December 1989, the education press reported the amazing news that children schooled at home seemed to be five or even ten years ahead of their formally trained peers in their ability to think."] These statistics prove that home schooled children are doing better in math, science, reading and writing, compared to children attending public schools. Secondly, parents are choosing home schooling over public schooling because public schools are no longer taking student's individual needs into consideration. Since students are taught lessons based on an academic calendar year, they are expected to be able to complete specific tasks by the end of that year. When students fail to meet these expectations they are required to repeat the same grade the following school year. For example, at the end of a school year if a student is having difficulties reading but doing well in other subjects he or she will be required to repeat the same grade. If students were properly tutored in the areas they are having difficulties in they would not have to repeat the same grades. Unfortunately public schools do not give special tutoring to students like they once did. Teachers in the public school systems are teaching students as though they are on an assembly line. They no longer work ["one-to-one...."] with them. Unlike public schooling, home schooling allows parents to teach in a style that best fits their children's needs. For example if a child is not prepared to move on to a higher level, the parent can continue with similar lessons until the child understands. Also, children are not held back in the same grade if they are lagging behind in particular subjects. Their parents can move them to the next grade and tutor them in the subjects they are having trouble in. Children who are home schooled also get individual attention from their parents. They do not have to worry about waiting for their teacher to find time to help them. In sum, parents are finding that home schooling meets the individual needs of their children better than public schooling. Finally, parents of children with physical and mental disabilities are finding that home schooling meets their children's handicap needs better than public schooling. A major downfall of public schooling is that handicapped students are graded in the same style as the rest of the students. In public schools, children with handicaps are still expected to complete all of their assignments in the same given time as other students. Teachers are not taking these children's handicaps into consideration. For example, children with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) have trouble staying focused and are easily distracted. As a result of constantly being distracted, they are not able to complete their assignments. This type of grading style has become a great concern for parents of handicapped children.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Java Project Essays - Cross-platform Software, Free Essays

Java Project Essays - Cross-platform Software, Free Essays Java Project // Jennifer Farley // Java Term Project import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; public class scroll extends java.applet.Applet implements Runnable boolean first = true; int fontsize = 72; String title1=Welcome to JAVA; Thread kicker = null; Image bufferimg; Graphics bufferG; public void init() setBackground(; this.title1 = getParameter(title1); bufferimg = createImage(size().width, size().height); bufferG = bufferimg.getGraphics(); } public void start() if (kicker == null) kicker = new Thread(this); kicker.start(); } } public void stop() if (kicker != null) kicker.stop(); kicker = null; } } public void run() while (true) repaint(); try Thread.sleep(50); } catch (InterruptedException e) } } } public void update(Graphics g) if(first==true) bufferG.setColor(; bufferG.fillRect(0,0,800,101); Psych(); Font font = new Font(TimesRoman,Font.BOLD,fontsize); bufferG.setFont(font); bufferG.setColor(Color.magenta); bufferG.drawString(title1,15,70); bufferG.setColor(; bufferG.drawString(title1,16,71); bufferG.setColor(; bufferG.drawString(title1,17,72); first=false; } bufferG.copyArea(0,100,800,1,0,-100); bufferG.copyArea(0,0,800,100,0,1); g.drawImage(bufferimg,0,0,this); } public void Psych() Color c; float h=0; for (int x=0; x*=8;x++) h=0; for (int y=48;y*=0;y) c=Color.getHSBColor(h,(float)1.0,(float)1.0); bufferG.setColor(c); h = h + (float)0.02; bufferG.drawRect((x*100)+y,y,(49-y)*2, (49-y)*2); } } } } Bibliography // Jennifer Farley // Java Term Project // HTML document

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Pronouncing the Spanish G and J

Pronouncing the Spanish G and J The g in Spanish can one of the more difficult letters to pronounce, at least for those who hope to be precise. The same is true for the j, whose sound it sometimes uses. Beginning Spanish students can think of g has having two sounds, although those who want to be exact will find that the g has three common sounds and a pair of rare situations where it is pronounced very softly if at all. The Quick and Easy Approach to Pronouncing the G The way many English speakers learning Spanish start out is by thinking of Spanish as having two sounds, depending on the letter that follows: Most of the time, the g can be pronounced much like the g in dog or figure. Note that in both of those English words, the g is pronounced somewhat softer or less explosively than the g in words such as goat and good.However, when the g is followed by e or i, it is pronounced something like the letter h, the same as the Spanish j. (In this way, the sound of the g parallels that of the c, which has a hard sound except when it comes before an e or i, in which case it has a softer sound. Both c and g in English often follow a similar pattern.) Note the differences in these phonetic transcriptions. The first three have the hard g sound, while the final two have the h sound: apagar - ah-pag-GARego - EH-gohignicià ³n - eeg-nee-SYOHNagente - ah-HEN-tehgirasol - hee-rah-SOHLgusto - GOO-stohgente  - HEN-teh You should have no difficulty being understood if you follow these pronunciations. However, if you hope to sound more like a native speaker, you should follow the next section. A More Precise Approach to Pronouncing the G Think of the g as have three main sounds: When the g comes immediately before an e or i, it is pronounced like the Spanish j, detailed below.Otherwise, when the g comes after a pause, such as at the beginning of a sentence, or if it doesnt have vowel sounds immediately before and after, the g can be pronounced much like the g in dog or figure.When the g comes between vowels (unless followed by e or i), it is pronounced much softer, and there is no good English equivalent. You might think of it as a mushy version of the above pronunciation, or like something between silence and the above pronunciation. You can hear it pronounced native speakers here. A Pair of Exceptions These three pronunciation take care of nearly all situations. However, there are two significant exceptions: Some speakers intensely soften or even drop the sound of the g in the letter combination gua, especially when it appears at the beginning of the word such as in guapo, guacamole, and guardar. So guapo sounds something like WAH-poh, and guacamole sounds like wah-kah-MOH-leh. This tendency, which can be heard here, is found in many areas and varies even within localities. At the extreme, you may even hear agua pronounced like AH-wah.A few English gerunds (-ing verbs) such as marketing and camping have been adopted into Spanish (often with a slight change in meaning). Most native Spanish speakers cant readily imitate the ng sound well at the end of a word, so the tendency is to end the word with the n sound. Thus marketing may sound like mrketin, and camping  may sound like campin. In a few cases, such as meeting becoming mà ­tin or mitin, the spelling has been changed to conform with the common pronunciation. Pronouncing the J The j sound is what is known as a voiceless velar fricative, which means that it is formed by forcing air through the slightly constricted back part of the mouth. Its kind of a scraping or raspy sound. If youve learned German, you may know it as the ch sound of Kirche. You may hear it sometimes in English in the word loch when given a Scottish accent or as the initial sound of Hanukkah when an attempt is made to pronounce it as if it were in Hebrew. One way you might think of the sound is as an extended k. Instead of sounding out the k in an explosive fashion, try lengthening the sound. The sound of the j varies with region. In some areas, the j sounds almost like a soft k, and in some places it sounds very close to the h sound in words such as hot or hero. If you give the j the sound of the English h, as many English-speaking Spanish students do, you will be understood, but keep in mind that is only approximate.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Family Strengths Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Family Strengths - Article Example It begins by defining what family strengths are, and goes on to discuss the insights from available research relating to what makes for strong families. The findings from the two surveys that were considered reveal an American population where family strength levels are fairly high. The article notes that such a focus on family strengths is necessary to counteract the dearth of knowledge in this area, owing from the traditional focus on family ills in the literature, to the detriment of serious inquiry on how healthy and strong families work. The findings that family strength levels are healthy for the majority of the American population has implications for the kinds of future related research that may yield fruit regarding how family strengths impact the well-being of children and parents (Moore, Chalk, Scarpa and Vandivere, 2002). B. Response The surveys paint a healthy picture with regard to measures of family strengths in majority of American families. Measures of stability and routine, for instance, and the way they relate to the stability of the children and their developmental progress, are instructive, and believable. The article posits that predictability is good for children, in that they are able to function and grow in an environment where predictability and routine contributes to feelings of safety. Where routines are in place for meals and for doing errands are set, for instance, there is an environment where children develop the ability to control themselves, and to produce life outcomes that are positive. The large majority of homes sharing dinner together on a regular basis, and doing routinary tasks at home likewise regularly, contribute to this environment of predictability and stability. The insight here is that the establishment of such an environment coincides with relatively stable economic and social conditions in the general society, something that I can accept as plausible in the time frames considered for the survey. Those were relat ively prosperous and stable years for the US in general (Moore, Chalk, Scarpa and Vandivere, 2002, pp. 2-3). Part 2- Assessment of Family Strengths, Results B. Family Introduction, Description, Reason for Choice The chosen family is African American, with a household salary estimated at about $200,000 a year, with both parents being professionals, and with two children, one a boy aged 15, and another a girl aged 10. The family owns the home they live in, and the children attend private school near their place of residence. The parents work during the day and come home in time for dinner. The parents are also well-educated and are well-traveled. The reason for the choice is that given the healthy outward arrangements of the family, the family and their strength measures can easily validate or invalidate the assertion of the article relating to family strengths and child behavioral and life outcomes vis a vis the relative stability of the family (Moore, Chalk, Scarpa and Vandivere, 20 02, pp. 2-3). C. Survey Identification The chosen survey is the strengths assessment survey, administered to the chosen family member for this exercise, the 15-year old eldest son. This survey was chosen because an assessment of the strengths of the boy would give an indication of the relative family strengths, from the life outcomes of the eldest son at that

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Developing a Quantitative Research Plan Coursework

Developing a Quantitative Research Plan - Coursework Example Foreign direct investment in the host country is made because of many factors which include cheap labor in the country, special facilitation of the government of host country to foreign country such as low tax rate or tax exemption, or the vast business opportunities in the host country. Sometimes FDI is made in a country which is nearby to the sea land or from where foreign companies find near location from its buyer and seller (Atique, Ahmad, and Azhar, 2004). The importance of FDI for host countries is even more than the foreign investors. It makes an improve balance of payment summary for the host countries. Countries that have higher FDI are always in a fruitful position and their economy boost rapidly. It also reduces the trade barriers between the host country and foreign companies. Furthermore, through FDI the host country not only receives the cash inflow but also new technologies, new innovative procedure and products are transferred. Through FDI, host country also receives their management skills and expertise which help for local domestic companies (Li and Liu, 2005). Some researchers argues that the impact of FDI on economy growth of the host country depends on the condition of the country, its political and government stability (Freckleton, Wright & Craigwell 2010). While some studies claimed that FDI does not lead to the growth of the host country where there is a lacking of absorbing it (Borensztein, 1998; Hermes and Lensink, 2003). Some studies argue that the important factor of FDI on the economic growth of host country is the employment generation (Hermes and Lensink, 2003). While some studies claims that technological diffusion is the factor which helps in economic growth (Borensztein, Gregorio, & Lee, 1998). According to (UNCTAD, 1999), FDI helps to increase competition in the local market which makes domestic market more efficient. The study focuses on the impact of foreign direct investment on the economic growth of

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Warren Buffet Essay Example for Free

Warren Buffet Essay Executive Summary: Warren E. Buffett is one of the worlds richest men with a net worth estimated at $44 billion by Forbes magazine. Buffett is known for his patient approach to investing and making long-term investments in steady, predictable industries that generate positive cash flow. It was announced that MidAmerican would purchase the regulated electric utility PacifiCorp from Scottish Power, for $5.1 billion in cash and $4.3 billion in liabilities and preferred stock. This would be the second largest purchase of his career. After the announcement, stock prices for both PacifiCorp and Berkshire Hathaway increased, by 2.4% and 6.28% respectfully, which suggests market approval for the acquisition of PacifiCorp. Problem: From the increase in stock price, we can assume that investors believe that the deal was a fair price and that acquiring PacifiCorp was a good investment to benefit Berkshire Hathaway. In fact the market added more value enhancement to Scottish Power than Berkshire, which leads investors to consider why Scottish Power gained more benefit than Berkshire Hathaway and if Berkshire Hathaway paid a reasonable price. Analysis: From Exhibit A, on the following page, we can analyze the range of values for PacifiCorp. From this we can see that the only significant various between median and mean value arises in EBIT, which indicates outliers for revenues, operating expenses, or depreciation. Intrinsic value refers to the actual value of a company or stock without reference to its market value and is calculated through the discounted cash flow of a business during its remaining life. Intrinsic value can also encapsulate how well the company is run, cash flow, and management competency. According to Buffett, intrinsic value indicates the â€Å"present value of the future expected performance† and can be predicted through calculating the discounted cash flow of a business for its remaining life. This estimate allows Buffett to identify stocks or businesses that are undervalued. Other alternatives to intrinsic value as book value and accounting profit, which can fall short when determining what  the inve stment is really worth and accurate aggregate value. Stock price is the most accurate way to determine a company’s present value of expected cash flows. However, as a private company, the market value of PacifiCorp could not be determined by its share price. In order to calculate Berkshire’s discount rate we must use the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) to determine a required rate of return. This is calculated by adding the risk free rate (yield on a U.S. Treasury Bond) to beta multiplied by the difference of the expected market return and risk free rate. A U.S. Treasury Bill has a yield of 5.76%, Berkshire’s beta is .7, and expected market return is 10.5%, therefore the rate of return would be 9.07%. This can then be used to determine the present value of this investment over one year, $4.68 billion. Therefore, Berkshire’s offer to purchase PacifiCorp for $5.1 billion is slightly overvalued, but still a fair price for both companies. Berkshire Hathaway performed tremendously well between the periods of 1965 and 1995, where its stock prices grew 24%, in comparison to the SP 500, which averaged 10.5% a year. This is a remarkable occurrence to beat the market growth rate, and is even more rare to beating it for 30 consecutive years. Berkshires shares have been among the highest-priced shares on the New York Stock Exchange. Berkshire also holds majority shares in Coca-Cola Co., American Express Co., Gillette Co., and Wells Fargo, all of which have had consistent growth and stability over the companies’ lifetime. Buffet’s philosophy contradicts many of the common principles the average investor swears by. His philosophy relies on little diversification and avoiding risk. The biggest stand out in this regard is his dislike of broad diversification. Instead referring to diversification as protection against ignorance and an unstable market, Buffet believes it to be the lazy way out. Buffet believes that we must invest in our expertise areas and therefore will have greater knowledge in a handful of stocks and should not diversify our portfolio by purchasing shares of companies we know nothing about. While I understand where Buffet is coming from, this seems very risky. Recommendation This case shows a prime example of the link between a company’s valuation and the behavior of investors in the capital market. Through Berkshire Hathaway`s increase in share price the investors reflected that they agreed with the deal through an increase in share price. And even though it seems odd that both the selling and buying company should have an increased share price, we can see through calculating PacifiCorp’s intrinsic value, that the purchase was reasonable. This acquisition also added more diversification to Berkshire’s investment portfolio to provide more stable returns.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

Child Abuse and its Prevalence in Modern Society In our day and age when people are busy living their everyday lives, a child is being abused behind a closed door. According to Bryan Calo, supervisor of child protective services, â€Å"Child abuse is if a child’s physical, mental, or emotional condition is impaired. The child’s basic needs are not being met, and they are not being provided a safe environment to live in† (Telephone Interview). Most often children that are abused, whether it is physical, sexual, emotional, or neglect abuse, will keep their home lives to themselves. This is not because the child is embarrassed but usually because he or she is frightened of how the abuser will react toward him or her. Although it is not often shared with friends and even other family members, so it is still not being taken into consideration that it does exist. Unfortunately, child abuse is a real occurrence that happens every day. Children are being beaten, being sexually abused, being spoken poorly too, not being given daily needs, and being rejected by a parent or guardian all the time. Today’s society should be more aware of child abuse because when a situation is reported it helps benefit the child that is suffering by placing him or her in a safer environment (Telephone Interview). (PP) Being able to recognize physical, behavioral, and mental indicators are ways in which today’s society can help prevent child abuse from happening to children all throughout the world. Physical abuse must be prevented in today’s society because children deserve to be in a safe environment. A significant factor when it comes to child abuse is being able to notice indicators that would fall under the category of abuse (What is Child Abuse and Neglect? 5)... ... familiar with. However, child abuse does not only happen to certain children but can occur with both sexes throughout all regions of the world. (The Children’s Center para. 15) (SUM) Therefore, physical, behavioral, and mental indicators need to be accounted for wherever an individual might encounter them. These indicators include bruises, burns, fractures, aggressiveness, and doubtful thinking. Child abuse must be prevented because children are defenseless; therefore, they need someone to take care of them (Telephone Interview). (PP) Although today’s society cannot eliminate child abuse from the world, it can be prevented. About half a million children are abused across the United States ever year (Telephone Interview). (PP) These children do not deserve to be treated poorly, and people should help by being more aware of what is happening all around them. Essay -- Child Abuse and its Prevalence in Modern Society In our day and age when people are busy living their everyday lives, a child is being abused behind a closed door. According to Bryan Calo, supervisor of child protective services, â€Å"Child abuse is if a child’s physical, mental, or emotional condition is impaired. The child’s basic needs are not being met, and they are not being provided a safe environment to live in† (Telephone Interview). Most often children that are abused, whether it is physical, sexual, emotional, or neglect abuse, will keep their home lives to themselves. This is not because the child is embarrassed but usually because he or she is frightened of how the abuser will react toward him or her. Although it is not often shared with friends and even other family members, so it is still not being taken into consideration that it does exist. Unfortunately, child abuse is a real occurrence that happens every day. Children are being beaten, being sexually abused, being spoken poorly too, not being given daily needs, and being rejected by a parent or guardian all the time. Today’s society should be more aware of child abuse because when a situation is reported it helps benefit the child that is suffering by placing him or her in a safer environment (Telephone Interview). (PP) Being able to recognize physical, behavioral, and mental indicators are ways in which today’s society can help prevent child abuse from happening to children all throughout the world. Physical abuse must be prevented in today’s society because children deserve to be in a safe environment. A significant factor when it comes to child abuse is being able to notice indicators that would fall under the category of abuse (What is Child Abuse and Neglect? 5)... ... familiar with. However, child abuse does not only happen to certain children but can occur with both sexes throughout all regions of the world. (The Children’s Center para. 15) (SUM) Therefore, physical, behavioral, and mental indicators need to be accounted for wherever an individual might encounter them. These indicators include bruises, burns, fractures, aggressiveness, and doubtful thinking. Child abuse must be prevented because children are defenseless; therefore, they need someone to take care of them (Telephone Interview). (PP) Although today’s society cannot eliminate child abuse from the world, it can be prevented. About half a million children are abused across the United States ever year (Telephone Interview). (PP) These children do not deserve to be treated poorly, and people should help by being more aware of what is happening all around them.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Dentex Corporation Case Essay

The problems and issues mentioned in the case Dentex Corporation are: 1. Issue related to corporate social responsibility 2. Issue related to promotional deceiving 3. Issue related to equal opportunity in workplace 4. Issue related to employee responsibility 5. Issue related to bribery 1. Issue related to corporate social responsibility One of the major issues mentioned in the case is about corporate social responsibility. Dentex Corporation came up with the styling new line of car, Rento. It was considered as a rushed project, thus they skipped preliminary survey. The design was dominated by style different from the other Japanese and European cars, which lead to the placement of fuel tank behind the rear axle (Dentex Corporation, PDF document). The crush test results showed that Rento was less crush resistant and according to Harley Strop, an engineer involved in the crush test mentioned that Rento needed modification before launching (Dentex Corporation, PDF document). The Dentex’s Product Planning Committee and the Vice President, Rodford approved the design and launched it without any modification. According to moral minimum approach which states that businesses are obliged to maximize profit not by causing harm but it is not constrained by the duty  to prevent harm (Corporate social responsibility, Power Point Slides). Though Rodford was informed about the failed test and required modifications, he did not take any initiatives because he did not want to increase costs, as they were competing against the inexpensive European and Japanese cars. Their main target was to be cost effective and maximize profit and they are not causing any harm directly by launching this design. On the other hand, the moral responsibility includes causing harm, enabling harm, allowing harm, providing an opportunity for harm or failing to prevent harm (Corporate social responsibility, Power Point Slides). Here, launching this accident prone car is definitely providing an opportunity for the drivers to get harm, undertaking the modifications would prevent the risk of harm, but the company refused to do so. This is an example of ignorance by the company which resulted the death of Mrs. Ray and serious injury of Richard. Considering the utilitarian analysis the audience who will be affected are the customers, employees and management of the company, local community members and the company itself. The impact of this decision on the customers is very dangerous, they might be victims of accidents like Mrs. Ray and her son. The result is serious injury, trauma or death. In case of customers, their life is in risk. The local community members, who will be driving around the defaulted car might be victims of accidents too. Whereas the company itself will be impacted by losing reputation due to the unsafe car, they might lose profit because of lost sales and lastly they might lose money in lawsuits against the accidents. The employees and the management of the company might lose motivation to work in the company, because of the unethical act of the company by being responsible of launching a defaulted car. Due to the loss in sales and profit, the employees might get reduced benefits. The only pro avoiding modification of Rento from the utilitarian perspective is that the company will make short term profit. The cons can be the risk of customer death or injury, other community members being victim of accidents and in the long term the company will lose reputation and profit and loss of money due to lawsuit payments. The result of the utilitarian analysis states that this is wrong. Here the risk is losing life which has no substitute, whereas profits can be made later or through other  sources. Considering the rule utilitarian perspective, if all car companies adapted these unsafe measures people will no longer feel safe in buying cars and driving them along with their children. The deontological ethics states that there are things that we must do as a matter of principle regardless of consequences (Moral standards, PowerPoint Slides). Here the Vice President, Rodford had to act on the best interest of the company in making profit and surviving the competition against European and Japanese cars. Therefore he ignored the fact of putting people in risk of accidents. The positive right test assists the wellbeing of the company and its employee by making sales and profit. Whereas the negative right test overrides the wellbeing of the customers and the community members with the risk of death. Again since life is irreplaceable and profit can substituted by other means, the action of the company is wrong from the deontological view too. The policy that Dentex Corporation should follow is strict rules and regulation for the Product Planning Committee regarding product safety. There should be more awareness raised among the employees and management regarding the ethical responsibility towards the customers and society as a whole. 2. Issue related to promotional deceiving Another issue mentioned in the case is the deceptive advertising. Since the image of Rento was hampered because of the accidents, Dentex decided to develop a manipulative marketing strategy. Their strategy included targeting the young male crowd between the ages of 16 to 24, who can be influenced easily. The experimental researched and focus groups showed that this targeted group is the risk takers thus they created an ad saying â€Å"The Little Carefree Carâ€Å" (Dentex Corporation, PDF document). This is manipulation of individual’s decision through psychological appeal which exploits instincts, personal motivator, conformity, anxieties and low self-esteem to guide behaviour (Marketing-promotion and placement, Power Point Slides). Their strategy also included targeting older consumers who care about safety by  endorsing the Rento by authority figures. These ads included actors as mechanics and engineers to endorse the Rento by giving it a thumps up and trusting their children with the car ((Dentex Corporation, PDF document). This act is considered as deception of consumers because consumers tends to be convinced by the ad and buy the unsafe car that they would not have bought otherwise. The utilitarian analysis shows that the affected audience are the company employees and the customers. Through the manipulative advertising the employees will be able to reach their marketing and sales target that will be beneficial for the profitability of the company. Whereas the targeted customer who are manipulated spend their money on the Rento, they bear the risk of accidents and like Mrs. Ray and her son, they suffer from injury and death. The company is solely responsible for this kind of advertising and the consequences. The pros of this act will be the company sales and profit whereas the cons will be the risk of young crowd driving the accident prone car. Thus from the utilitarian perspective the deceiving promotional activities are wrong because of the harmful consequences. The consequence here is about human lives, as mentioned above they cannot be substituted whereas profits can be substituted. Autonomy is about making rational choice that is undue pressure and manipulation where the choice results from emotional insecurity and social pressure (Marketing-promotion and placement, Power Point Slides). According to the deontological ethics point of view the act violates autonomy by manipulating through psychological appeal. In case of the positive right test, the ads assist the company’s marketing department to reach its promotional goals and lead the company to more profit and sales. Whereas in the negative right test, the ads assist in interfering the freedom of choice through manipulation making them choose the car that is a threat to their lives. Thus due to the risk of life, the promotional deceiving is considered as wrong from deontological perspective. The management should be well aware of the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards those exist and manage the company accordingly to avoid lawsuits.  The standards that imply are Accuracy and Clarity, Testimonial and Ads to Minors (Marketing-promotion and placement, Power Point Slides) 3. Issue related to equal opportunity Diane Ross, an enthusiastic and hardworking employee of Dentex Corporation made her way up to the important management ranks. She was assigned for a management position of Rento in Mexico, where she had to work under James Carr (The Dentex Corporation, PDF document). The issue here is in front of the Mexican clients James addressed Diane as â€Å"cute little assistant† and â€Å"our lady manager†, whereas her responsibility was more than what was shown to them. As a result she was bypassed for important matters related to authority (The Dentex Corporation, PDF document). James’s reaction to this matter was that Mexican clients don’t understand women at authority thus he portrays her to be inferior in front of Mexican clients only. This violates her legal rights, which are rights that are granted to employees by law or judicial ruling (Employee Right, Power Point Slides). It infringes her right of equal opportunity because she is not able to maintain her responsibility and authority that she is entitled to as per her position. On a different perspective this is also violating her moral rights, which are the rights that originate in respect owned to employees as human beings and that are independent of any legal or contractual obligation (Employee Right, Power Point Slides). This infringes her right to fair treatment as an employee because she is just there to show the clients that there is a lady assistant, she is being treated inferiorly. Considering the utilitarian analysis, the audience of this action are Diane and other female employees of the company. Since Diane is unfairly treated, she will lose her motivation to work for the best interest of the company. She will be stressed during work since there is disturbance in role of authority. She will feel powerless and as a result she might lose self-respect. The consequence for the other female employees might be losing motivation since they are seeing Diane fail despite her ability and hard work. Therefore the pros of this action is James maintaining an image of  having a female employee in front of the Mexican clients and the cons is Diane losing motivation and getting worse at her work performance. As a result of the analysis this is considered wrong because it violates her moral rights and effects in deteriorating her ability. The deontological ethical perspective shows that the action violates Diane’s autonomy by interfering in her work. The negative right test assist in Diane losing her productivity and performance, thus proving the action to be wrong. The management of the company should be aware of the employee rights to avoid affirmative actions, which refers to policies that take positive steps to alleviate unequal treatment (Discriminations and harassment, Power Point Slides). The company should have information session for executives and management for ensuring fair treatment of employees. 4. Issue related to employee responsibility Harley Strop, the engineer in charge of the crush test figured that the prototypes do not pass the fuel system integrity safety. When prototypes were struck from behind at 20/mph, the vehicle could not resist that and there was a fuel spillage. At one test, the fuel came to the driver’s compartment due to lack of separation (The Dentex Corporation, PDF Document). Harley mentioned these problems in the test reports and mentioned about the modifications but still the Rento got approved by the Product Planning Committee. The broader stakeholder view states that employees has relationship and responsibilities towards other parties as well rather than only their employers. The other parties’ in this case is the society, coworkers, professional community and also mainly the customers (Employee responsibility, Power Point Slides). Harley being the engineer (gatekeeper), felt responsible for the defaulted car and informed the Vice President about this matter. As gatekeeper’s lack of expertise puts the public in vulnerable state, they have duty and responsibility to use their professional knowledge for the betterment of the public (Employee responsibility, Power Point Slides). In view of the utilitarian analysis, the affected audience are the employee (Harley), the customers, the society and the company. Here the engineer, Harley will be demotivated because his professional justifications are overlooked. His skills are being questioned, making him feel like his work is of no value to the company. Also considering his fiduciary duty to the customers, he might feel responsible for risks that the car owners are bearing, though he is powerless in front of the vice president. The customers on the other hand are bearing the risk of accidents affecting them with injury or death like Mrs. Ray and her son. The society as a whole will be losing trust on engineers and car manufacturers because they are not providing them with safety. Lastly the company will be hampering its image and reputation and might be losing customers. Therefore the pros of this action will be the short term sales and profit but the cons will be employee demotivation, might result in employee turnover and also threat of accident for the customers. As a result of the utilitarian analysis, the act of ignoring Harley’s observation is wrong because of the dangerous consequence. Here the risk is the safety of public, their life is in danger, which is irreplaceable compared to the company’s profit. According to the deontological analysis the vice president is maintaining his duty and obligation towards the company of maximizing profit, regardless of the consequences. On the other hand, the employee’s autonomy was violated because his accurate report was ignored and not valued. As per the deontological argument managerial employees have expertise on their specific field, such as the engineer which the employer lacks, such as the Vice President. Since the employer’s property depends on the employees, the employees have obligation to look after the interest of the employers (Employee responsibility, Power Point Slide). Therefore Harley was doing the right thing by letting the Vice President know about the flaws, because he is obliged to work for the best interest of the company, its image and performance. The management should have strict regulations for maintaining safety practise. The Product Planning committee should not be able to approve any project which does not meet the minimum safety requirements. Since  gatekeeper build the trust among the company and the customers, their values and judgements should not be overlooked by any under skilled third party. 5. Issue related to Bribery This issue is related to giving and receiving gift considered as â€Å"bribery†. The Rento line had a high demand in Mexico, thus dealers and franchises competed and used unfair means to do business. These gifts ranges from Mercedes Benz to Rolex watch and cash payments of thousand dollars. When Diane was faced with this problem, she was told that it was an accepted way of doing business in Mexico (The Dentex Corporation, PDF Documents). The utilitarian analysis shows that the affected audience are Diane, the Mexican dealers, the executive in Mexico and the company. Through this from of gifts the dealers get the benefit of being favored and do more business with the company resulting in gaining profit. The executives of the company are receiving expensive gifts and money which result in higher living standard and motivation for better performance. The company overall is meeting its objective of sales and profit. Whereas Diane is not being comfortable adapting the work culture in Mexico. She is being demotivated and performance is being worse. One of the pro of the gift giving culture is that the executives get motivation to work and their living standard improves. The business is gaining profit and the dealers are getting business. The only con is that Diane’s work performance is deteriorating due to lack of adaptation in the new work culture. As a result of the utilitarian analysis the bribery is causing good to the maximum number of people and just troubling Diane only, so this is not wrong. If Rule utilitarian view is considered, the consequence of adapting this culture in Mexico might hamper its future business because they are being biased to the dealers who provide gifts, rather than using fairs means of trade. The deontological ethical analysis show that receiving the gifts is not a duty or obligation for the executives. Also it is not overriding anyone’s autonomy. The positive right test assist in better living standard for the executives and also assist the Mexican dealers to do more business. The  negative right test only affects Diane’s performance. Therefore, from the deontological perspective this action is right. As per policy changes, the company should not relocated employees to locations with different work ethics. Here Diane should not have been sent to Mexico, since the work culture is different from America. As a result what she thinks is wrong might be right in Mexican work culture. The company should more focus on recruiting for management positions from local areas rather than overseas. Citations Petrenko. A. Corporate social responsibility [Power Point Slides]. Retrieved from Lecture Notes Online Web site: Petrenko. A. Discrimination and Harassment [Power Point Slides]. Retrieved from Lecture Notes Online Web site: Petrenko. A. Employee responsibility [Power Point Slides]. Retrieved from Lecture Notes Online Web site: Petrenko. A. Employee rights [Power Point Slides]. Retrieved from Lecture Notes Online Web site: Petrenko. A. Marketing (promotion and placement) [Power Point Slides]. Retrieved from Lecture Notes Online Web site: Petrenko. A. Moral Standards [Power Point Slides]. Retrieved from Lecture Notes Online Web site: Petrenko. A. The Dentex Corporation [PDF Document]. Retrieved from Lecture Notes Online Web site:

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Perfume Essay

This essay will compare and contrast the various methods used by the author and director of the novel Perfume. Perfume, written by Patrick Suskind and adapted by Tom Tykwer, is a dramatic, crime thriller about the life of a murderer. Born and raised in Paris, Jean-Baptiste survives the most gruelling childhood; his father unknown and mother executed for attempting to kill him, rejected by the wet nurses in the village and when finally taken in by Madame Gaillard at the orphanage, the children endeavour to kill him. They fear he is dangerous because of his lack of personal scent. However Grenouille survives through even their best efforts, survives the measles, dysentery, chicken pox and cholera. It is clear that this child is special not only because of his amazing ability to endure the most appalling conditions but also because of his exceptionally talented sense of smell. The title â€Å"Perfume† gives the reader/viewer a good idea of what to expect from the very beginning. Trying to translate Grenouille’s olfactory language into visual picture was from the beginning a mammoth task than is expertly accomplished by the director through the use of audio and several visual components. It is however much easier to do in a book because the reader can be manipulated through their personal experience with smell. Therefore from this point the book is mildly better even though it is at a disadvantage because the reader has no visual aid. The main themes of Perfume are black humour, emotionally/mentally challenged people, hatred of humanity and seeing importance in others life only when they affect your own. These themes are portrayed well throughout both the book and film. The most prominent is seeing importance in others life only when they affect your own. For example, Madame Gaillard dies in a tragic way shortly after she sells Grenouille. In the book she dies of cancer in a crowded bed, in the film she is slit at the throat as she returns home. Monsieur Grimal falls into the river on his way home from celebrating the sale of Grenouille. Giuseppe Baldini’s house falls into the river not long after Grenouille leaves for Grasse. All these deaths symbolise that Grenouille can only value human life if it has something to reward him with; when this is done they no longer exist in his mind. This also explains why Grenouille can kill the innocent girls, take what he wants and leave without feeling any remorse for his actions. One of the best adapted scenes is the opening chapter, Grenouille’s birth. Suskind does an extended description of the putrid place where Grenouille was born. â€Å"The streets stank of manure, the courtyards of urine, the stairwells stank of mouldering wood and rat droppings, the kitchens of spoiled cabbage and mutton fat†, this quote goes on for a considerable amount of time yet it is necessary because there is so many rotten smells included that everyone can relate to at least one. This provokes the reader to think of the most revolting smells they have ever experienced and then try to imagine them worse. In the film, Tykwer uses a fast moving, rolling shot to show the reader the various scents that inhabit the area. And he uses shots of typically revolting objects such as rats, fish guts, sick and rotting vegetables. These smells are relatable to humans and so the viewer can appreciate how bad it smells, however this may not be as powerful as the smell that the human imagination can fabricate from the book. Also he employs the sound of a heartbeat and rapid breathing of the new-born babe to humanise the situation and to portray the struggle the baby has to survive. The heartbeat makes us anxious and so we wonder whether the baby will survive. The baby breathing rapidly makes us question if it can continue. However regardless of this the baby lets out a scream. The audio effects stop and this could symbolise that as soon as the baby chose to live it ended the life of his mother and shows that the world is not the same. Obviously some scenes from the book have had to be cut to stay within a reasonable screen time, one of the scenes cut is the scientific study that is carried out on Grenouille nevertheless this is not missed and the film makes up for such scenes in other aspects. One of the biggest advantages the film has over the book is that it can use the best actors suited to the role. The actor that plays Grenouille, Ben Whishaw is perfectly suited to the character. He has a childlike voice that represents his innocence, not that his soul is innocent but because he has been void of all love for his whole life. His life was only valued by those wanted something from him. His character is also very good because his expression can be changed in an instant. In one scene he can appear helpless and angelic while in another he can be closer to the devil than a human. The way he sets himself into the role is nothing less than perfect; he scuttles as he should, hunches as he should and does everything as weirdly as is should be. Grenouille is a disturbing character and this is very well portrayed by the actor. In the book Grenouille doesn’t say much because the book is written in third person. This is used so that the reader can get close into the minds of all the characters instead of being limited to one. This also means that we can observe events happening in all the different places. In the film this is done through the use of a narrator. However the narrator does tend to disclose information that as viewers might have preferred to interpret ourselves. So even though the narrator is used in both the book and film the effects are far better in the book. To conclude, there are many similarities between the book and film adaption of Perfume that are equally as good as each other but some aspects such as the narrator are stronger in the book. Equally particular aspects of the film are better, for instance the ability to use actors. One of the primary differences is the character change of Grenouille from book to film. The book shows him as a conniving parasite that is very good at manipulating people. The film shows a man who is unaware of the effects of his actions and is somewhat innocent. The strongest parts of the book are the descriptions of the in-depth break down of the various scents and how deep into Grenouille’s mind the reader gets, since spoken language is not Grenouilles strength. The best bits of the film are casting decisions and the superb adaption that captures the soul of the book and enhances it through captivating music and images. It’s like smelling with your eyes.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Awesome Jobs with Good Work Life Balance [Infographic]

Awesome Jobs with Good Work Life Balance [Infographic] So you want to have your life and live it, too- that doesn’t seem too much to ask, right? Yet some people seem to think career success comes at the steep price of giving up fun, family, and friends. Not so! Read on to find out how you, too, can attain that mythical and coveted â€Å"work-life balance† you’ve heard about, but never actually found. It’s there for the taking, really. You just need to know where to look.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Demeter and the Abduction of Persephone

Demeter and the Abduction of Persephone The story of the abduction of Persephone is more a story about Demeter than it is about her daughter Persephone, so were starting this re-telling of the rape of Persephone beginning with her mother Demeters relationship with one of her brothers, her daughters father, the king of the gods, who refused to step in to help- at least in a timely manner. Demeter, goddess of the earth and grain, was sister to Zeus, as well as Poseidon and Hades. Because Zeus betrayed her by his involvement in the rape of Persephone, Demeter left Mt.Olympus to wander among men. Hence, although a throne on Olympus was her birthright, Demeter is sometimes not counted among the Olympians. This secondary status did nothing to lessen her importance for the Greeks and Romans. The worship associated with Demeter, the Eleusinian Mysteries, endured until it was suppressed in the Christian era. Demeter and Zeus Are Parents of Persephone Demeters relationship with Zeus had not always been so strained: He was the father of her much-loved, white-armed daughter, Persephone. Persephone grew up to be a beautiful young woman who enjoyed playing with the other goddesses on Mt. Aetna, in Sicily. There they gathered and smelled the beautiful flowers. One day, a narcissus caught Persephones eye, so she plucked it to get a better look, but as she pulled it from the ground, a rift formed... Demeter had not been watching too carefully. After all, her daughter was grown. Besides, Aphrodite, Artemis, and Athena were there to watch- or so Demeter assumed. When Demeters attention returned to her daughter, the young maiden (called Kore, which is Greek for maiden) had vanished. Where Was Persephone? Aphrodite, Artemis, and Athena didnt know what had happened, it had been so sudden. One moment Persephone was there, and the next she wasnt. Demeter was beside herself with grief. Was her daughter dead? Abducted? What had happened? No one seemed to know. So Demeter roamed the countryside looking for answers. Zeus Goes Along With Persephones Abduction After Demeter had wandered for 9 days and nights, searching for her daughter as well as taking out her frustrations by randomly torching the earth, the 3-faced goddess Hekate told the anguished mother that while she had heard Persephones cries, she had not been able to see what had happened. So Demeter asked Helios, the sun god- he had to know since he sees all that happens above the ground during the day. Helios told Demeter that Zeus had given their daughter to The Invisible (Hades) for his bride and that Hades, acting on that promise, had taken Persephone home to the Underworld. The imperious king of the gods  Zeus  had dared to give  Demeters daughter Persephone away to Hades, the dark lord of the Underworld, without asking! Imagine Demeters outrage at this revelation. When the sun god  Helios  insinuated that  Hades  was a good match, it added insult to injury. Demeter and Pelops Rage soon reverted to great sorrow. It was during this period that Demeter absentmindedly ate a piece of Pelops shoulder at a banquet for the gods. Then came depression, which meant Demeter couldnt even think about doing her work. Since the goddess wasnt providing food, soon no one would eat. Not even Demeter. Famine would strike mankind. Demeter and Poseidon It didnt help when Demeters third brother, the lord of the sea,  Poseidon, turned against her as she wandered in Arcadia. There he tried to rape her. Demeter saved herself by turning into a mare grazing along with the other horses. Unfortunately, horse-god Poseidon easily spotted his sister, even in mares form, and so, in stallion form, Poseidon raped the horse-Demeter. If ever she had given a thought to returning to live on Mt. Olympus, this was the clincher. Demeter Wanders the Earth Now, Demeter was not a heartless goddess. Depressed, yes. Vengeful? Not particularly, but she did expect to be treated well- at least by mortals- even in the guise of an old Cretan woman. Gecko Killing Pleases Demeter By the time Demeter reached Attica, she was more than parched. Given water to drink, she took the time to sate her thirst. By the time she had stopped, an on-looker, Ascalabus, was laughing at the gluttonous old woman. He said she didnt need a cup, but a tub to drink out of. Demeter was insulted, so throwing water at Ascalabus, she turned him into a gecko.Then Demeter continued on her way about another fifteen miles. Demeter Gets a Job Upon arriving at Eleusis, Demeter sat down by an old well where she began to cry. Four daughters of Celeus, the local chieftain, invited her to meet their mother, Metaneira. The latter was impressed with the old woman and offered her the position of nurse to her infant son. Demeter accepted. Demeter Tries to Make an Immortal In exchange for the hospitality shed been extended, Demeter wanted to do a service for the family, so she set about to make the baby immortal by the usual immersion in fire and ambrosia technique. It would have worked, too, if Metaneira hadnt spied on the old nurse one night as she suspended the ambrosia-anointed infant over the fire. The mother screamed. Demeter, indignant, put the child down, never to resume the treatment, then revealed herself in all her divine glory, and demanded that a temple is built in her honor where she would teach her worshipers her special rites. Demeter Refuses to Do Her Work After the temple was built Demeter continued to reside at Eleusis, pining for her daughter and refusing to feed the earth by growing grain. No one else could do the work since Demeter had never taught anyone else the secrets of agriculture. Persephone and Demeter Reunited Zeus- ever mindful of the gods need for worshipers- decided he had to do something to placate his raging sister  Demeter. When soothing words wouldnt work, as a last resort Zeus sent  Hermes  to  Hades  to bring the daughter of Demeter back up to the light. Hades agreed to let his wife Persephone go back, but first, Hades offered Persephone a farewell meal. Persephone knew she couldnt eat in the Underworld if she ever hoped to return to the land of the living, and so she had diligently observed a fast, but Hades, her would-be husband, was so kind now that she was about to return to her mother Demeter, that Persephone lost her head for a second- long enough to eat a pomegranate seed or six. Perhaps  Persephone  didnt lose her head. Perhaps she had already grown fond of her implacable husband. At any rate, according to a covenant among the gods, the consumption of food guaranteed that Persephone would be allowed (or forced) to return to the Underworld and Hades. And so it was arranged that Persephone could be with her mother Demeter for two-thirds of the year, but would spend the remaining months with her husband. Accepting this compromise, Demeter agreed to let seeds sprout from the earth for all but three months a year- the time known as winter- when Demeters daughter Persephone was with Hades. Spring returned to the earth and would again every year when Persephone returned to her mother Demeter. To further show her goodwill to man, Demeter gave another of Celeus sons, Triptolemus, the first grain of corn and lessons in ploughing and harvesting. With this knowledge, Triptolemus traveled the world, spreading Demeters gift of agriculture.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Humans Are Determined Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Humans Are Determined - Essay Example (Nithyananda, 2007,p. 101) The sage said that free will is something which a man is not born with and it was never something that man had struggled to win over. It has been gifted to man, by God, willingly, so that man can be morally responsible for all his deeds. Thus, in the mortal life, a man has to continuously face ‘prarabdha’ i.e. accumulated fate and only God and Guru have the power to save anyone if they wish. (Sen, 2010). So, if we go by the teachings of Paramhansa and as well as by all other great teachers of life, we tend to ask ourselves one very important question like â€Å"is it impossible for us to be free?† The renowned philosopher, D’Holbach for example has said that a man’s life is completely dictated by Nature and he has no role in it except to draw the line on the surface of the Earth which he has been asked to draw. He considered mythology as a reflection of Nature itself. According to him whatever a man does, whatever he thinks, we wishes for are the reflections of those properties which have been given into him by Nature and of those situations in which Nature has positioned him. Nature sends a man naked on this earth. The man quickly learns to cover himself, find food and shelter for himself and also to take care of other requisites. Each and every step taken by a man to sustain himself on this earth can be perceived as a long series of cause and effect. This can be called as the development of the first impulse given to him by none other than Nature itself. Nature operates through laws which are universal. Man must penetrate the secrets of Nature through his sens es, and must experience Nature to the fullest. Whenever he avoids drawing experience or gets diverted from his path, he falls into the pool of ignorance and suffering. It was the intention of Nature to give man the full happiness of freedom through all the attributes Nature has bestowed man with. However, that required searching

Friday, November 1, 2019

Globalization-Albania Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Globalization-Albania - Essay Example Apparently, Albania has also been strongly affected by the impacts of globalization in almost every sphere of its economic environment (Fulani, 2012). Based on this notion, the discussion henceforth will attempt to analyze the history of Albania and the transactional era of the country, considering its post-independence era since the 1990s. Historians and economists have often argued that most of the changes witnessed in the economic structure of Albania took place during the 1990s, after its independence. For instance, at the post independent era, Albania began moving towards global open market operations, increasing the effects of globalization on the economy (Barolli, n.d.). These economic interventions in Albania will also be analyzed to review the prosperity of the nation, on the basis of several parameters. Contextually, this paper will aim at analyzing the political conditions of Albania and the governmental structure of the country, treating it as a parameter to achieve econo mic prosperity. The legal and regulatory business environment of Albania will also be discussed in the paper, captivating the concern of international trade rules and legal policies followed by the country. This paper will further concentrate on the economic advantages of the country, by analyzing the natural resources of Albania along with its financial and monetary policies. Furthermore, the several cultural dimensions of the Albania and the impact of this diversity on its economical growth will also be defined in the further discussion. In addition, the discussion will render due emphasis on identifying the key competitive advantages associated with the current economic model in Albania and accordingly, suggest few recommendations for the country to sustain its growth in the global context. History of Albania Albania is situated in the South-Eastern border of Europe. The country has an ‘emerging democracy’. Officially, it is well known as the ‘Republic of Alban ia’. Its capital is Tirana or Tirane (CIA, n.d.). However, the mystery is today solved and the people of Albania are referred as ‘Albanians’, the most Ancient Race in the South-Eastern Europe. Contextually, several theories have been established in order to solve the problems associated with the country and to reach the current state (Barolli, n.d.). According to Gjata (2013), â€Å"Albanian history is one long tale of epic struggles against one invader after the other†. Apparently, historical factors have impacted the identity of Albania through several centuries in terms of foreign dominations and also due to the two consequent World Wars. In the beginning of the 9th century, particularly because of the weaknesses possessed by the then authoritative Byzantine Empire in Albania, Angevins of the Southern Italy, Venetians as well as Serbs obtained the opportunity to invade Albania and consequently, obtain a dominating position within the dynasty. This furth er paved the way to the fall of Byzantine Empire in the country. As a result, in the mid of 14th century, the rule of Byzantine Empire came to the end, which was controlling the nation for almost 1000 years. After few decades, the country faced another threat which came from Ottoman Turks in the year 1388 and after four

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Modern medicine vs herbal medicine Research Paper

Modern medicine vs herbal medicine - Research Paper Example The reason for modern medicines to take place in the lives of current world is the non availability of medicinal plants and the difficulty in production. Usually, herbal medicines required much effort from the physicians as well as patients and many a times can involve allergic effects to the patients. Plants have been used for medicinal purpose since civilization has known to exist. Ancient Indian and Chinese people have studied and used herbal plants in a scientific manner to bestow health and wellbeing to people for long time. However, as time passed, their importance and value started declining due to scientifically advancement of human generation. With advancement, physicians started inventing modern technique and methods to impart health to people in a sophisticated manner. In his journal (Wise,1994,pg.46-49) has written that â€Å"It is generally accepted that modern medical science came about in 1876 when Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch demonstrated (almost simultaneously and unknown to each other) the idea that contagion passes from one individual to another†. Normally speaking, we can observe that herbal medicines are in every way better than modern medicines as nature is the best curer by all means. The use of herbs for physical and mental ailments has been practiced since ever by civilizations all over the globe. There were all types of herbal medicines available for any kind of illness in ancient times. All indigenous groups used extensively herbal medicines for all diseases, and procured long life and health from it. However, as natural resources started getting scarce and with population increase, the use of herbs and medicines became lesser and unpopular. Research has revealed that people in different regions of world used same plants for same health problems. The highlight of herbal medicines is that, it gave relief to patients on a long-term basis and impacted less negatively on their health. These herbal medicines are natural form of tre atment and are a gift from nature and require proper guidance from physicians to give full benefit to patients. The herbal medicines were very prominent until the scientist and physicians started discovering new medicines of chemical origin, which gave instant and prolonged benefit to people with health problems. The modern medicines have been ardently proven to be effective in treating diseases and illness of fatal nature .Without modern medicines many diseases would have been difficult to resist before a century or so. It can be definitely stated here that, human life span would have been cut short half if modern medicine would have been absent from our daily life. In the website (Alternative Medicine,2011)it is stated that ,â€Å"Conventional medicine is comprised of drugs that suppress the body's natural immune responses†. It is the world of the American Medical Association (AMA) which is aligned with the multibillion dollar pharmaceutical industry. There is no better med icine when it comes to surgery, emergency and trauma† The modern medicine has many benefits as it has allowed people to live healthily life with more comfort. As per (Singh,2010,pg.17-29)â€Å"Modern medicine has done much in the fields of infectious diseases and emergencies to aid cure†. However, when one focus on the side effects of modern medicines, all its value dooms in to dark. The modern medicines also being very costly, is many a times unaffordable for normal people .Another prominent dark side of modern

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Activities Of Ancient Hawaiian Culture Cultural Studies Essay

Activities Of Ancient Hawaiian Culture Cultural Studies Essay The ancient Hawaiians had many games and physical activities that were important to their religious beliefs and everyday life. Although many of the activities were culturally important, two activities exceedingly survived to be recognized on a global scale: surfing and hula. The uniqueness of these two activities has made them iconic of Hawaiian culture and has created a strong sense of pride and renewed sense of culture. The goal of my research is to give a history of the popular Hawaiian physical activities of surfing and hula and their significance to Hawaiian culture. The significance of such activities in relation to culture is an important subject in anthropology and the use of primary and secondary sources will be my field of study in this paper. The research will begin with the history of the Makahiki or Hawaiian New Year and its importance to games and physical activities as a religious and cultural event. The study will incorporate the two popular ancient Hawaiian activitie s, including a brief history of their relationship to the ancient Hawaiian culture and the importance of these activities to Hawaiians today. It is important to note the effect that globalization has had on these activities and how their values and meanings have shifted. Hula and surfing are important today in relation to tourism, which is the leading industry in Hawaii. Due to globalization and the power of the capitalist market economy the importance of surfing as a practice of Hawaiian culture has shifted to become a vehicle of tourism and recreation. Furthermore; Hula had been of the most important ancient Hawaiian cultural institutions and has subsequently shifted to become a vehicle of tourism and recreation. Although the effects of globalization have shifted the cultural importance of these activities, the communal existence of Polynesian people will be the force that sustains surfing and hulas cultural importance. Makahiki The Hawaiian New Year festival is called Makahiki and was a very important time of the year in ancient Hawaiian civilization. The word Makahiki translates as year in Hawaiian. The celebration marks the end of the harvest and the beginning of the new agricultural growing season. The celebration was in honor of the god Lono, and encompassed about four months from November to March. The celebration was separated into three phases: the first being hookupu, a time of taxes to the king and redistribution to the people. The second phase was welehu and was devoted to sports and gambling (Jones 1967). The creation of the second phase and the mythology behind it shows how sports and games were not only important to people as means of leisure activities but also how they were important in their relation to culture and religious beliefs. Lo-no was the fourth of the four great gods that were worshiped throughout Polynesia. He had a separate order of priests and temples of a lower grade. Traditions connected with the ancient kings Lonokawai and Lono-i-ka-makahiki, seem to have been mixed with those belonging to the primeval god Lo-no. Lono-i-ka-makahiki is reputed to have instituted the games which were celebrated during the Ma-hahi-Ri festival. He is said on some account to have become offended with his wife and murdered her; but afterward lamented the act so much as to induce a state of mental derangement. In this state he traveled through all the islands, boxing and wrestling with everyone he met. He subsequently set sail, in a singularly shaped canoe, for Tahiti, or a foreign country. After his departure he was deified by his countrymen, and annual contests of boxing and wrestling were instituted in his honor. (Cullin 1899: 203) The third phase of the ceremony was waaauhau and was a time to pay taxes to the gods. A canoe was sent adrift with a tribute to Lono and after this tribute was paid the king would also go adrift. The final act of the ceremony, according to Cullen, took place when the king with a numerous company went fishing, taking the long idol with him. On his return, he was accompanied by a warrior, expert in the spear exercise. As the king leaped ashore a man rushed forward with two spears bound with white kapa, and hurled one at him, which was parried, after which he simply touched the king with the other spear, and the ceremony was over (1899: 204). The final act was the sham battle, in which the king overcame the islanders defense of the landing which symbolized his worth and permitted him to continue to rule. Seaton assumes that, the intensity of the defense was proportional to the general dissatisfaction, for failure to land was regarded by the Hawaiians as a demonstration that the ruling c hief had lost his mana and therefore, the right to rule (1974: 201). Overall, the Makahiki is described as a period of renewal, an interval during which the divine order of the king was upturned and the regimens of socia1 rank and work were suspended. It was carnival, warfare was suspended, sociability and play were the principal activities. (Davenport 1987: 177). The ancient Hawaiians would anticipate this celebration and the entire year was in preparation for it. Therefore, it is reasonable to speculate that practice of games and physical activities were common throughout the year and common in the daily life of ancient Hawaiians with particular importance being placed on the practice of surfing and hula because of their relation to the economy and religion of ancient Hawaii. Surfing Hee Nalu (surfing) originated in ancient Hawaii and was important in ancient culture because of its relationship to economy and religion. Surfing was a very popular sport, so popular in fact that it is the only sport of Hawaiian origin to flourish at an international level today. The history of the sport is very hard to discern because of diffusion and the fact that all ancient Polynesians had a mastery of oceanic skills, although most scholars agree that it was in Hawaii that this activity flourished. The Surfers Almanac discusses the evolution of surfing by means of diffusion by settlers of Hawaii from other parts of Polynesia: The Marquesans brought to their new Hawaiian home their ancient sport of paipo-riding a wave on a small, rounded board while lying prone, the sport today called belly boarding or knee boarding. The Tahitians also brought their favorite aquatic pastime to Hawaii. They rode the incoming waves while standing in a waa (canoe), an activity they called paka. When did it happen that a young Marquesan using a paipo board to surf prone, watched a newcomer from Tahiti surfing erect in his canoe and decided to stand upon his paipo, discovering that if he had enough speed he could do so? That moment was the birthdate of surfboarding. (Filosa 1977: 2). Like many aspects of ancient Polynesian culture, surfing was stratified based on social rank. Filosa explains, the Hawaiian nobility, the alii, used the great olo (heavy) board. The makaainana, the commoners, used the alaia (thin) board. The nobles liked slow, undulating waves such as those found at the mother beach of surfing, Waikiki; the commoners preferred fast-breaking steep waves such as those at Waimea Bay (Filosa 1977: 3). Surfing reached its pinnacle in ancient life with King Kamehameaha II who abolished the tabus on surfing. All people from that point on could surf however they pleased. Surfing became a national sport and very important to the society. Like many Hawaiian activities the ancients would create competitions based on skill and mastery of the craft. The relation of surfing to ancient Hawaiian culture was based on these competitions which in turn had an effect on the economy. In terms of the gambling side of the sport, Malo and states that: Surf riding was a natio nal sport of the Hawaiians, on which they were very fond of betting, each man staking his property on the one he thought to most skillful (1951: 223). It was because of gambling and the arrival of Congregationalist missionaries from Boston that the activity nearly became extinct. The religious taboos on gambling and the confiscation of land by the missionaries caused a dramatic drop in the population and in effect so did the sport of surfing, Filosa describes the decline and reason for its revival: With the death of so many Hawaiians, the sport of surfing slowly declined, until in 1898 when the islands were annexed to the United States, less than fifty Hawaiians still surfed, and these used the great olo boards. By 1900, there were fewer than ten surfers, but among them was a boy born in 1890 of royal blood. He was destined to salvage the national sport of his people and become the father of modern surfing. His name was Duke Paoa Kahinu Makoe Hulikohola Kahanamoku, son of Duke Halapu Kahanamoku and Julia Paakonia Lonokahikini Paoa. He is still revered by surfers worldwide simply as the Duke.' (Filosa1977: 4) Surfing as a physical activity had its foundation in Hawaiian religion and culture. It was Kamehameha the Great who made surfing the national sport of Hawaii. Kamehameha II, his son, who abolished the tabu system so that all Hawaiians could participate in the sport. Last but not least, Duke Kahanamoku kept the sport alive and transported it around the world. The diffusion of ancient surfing and modern surfing has undoubtedly created opportunity and pride due to the ever growing popularity of this cultural pastime which has become a powerful global industry. Hula Whereas surfing gained its popularity today because of its function as a sport, hula is much more than just a physical activity done for enjoyment. The hula can be viewed as a distinctive and integral facet of the Hawaiian culture (Williams 1973: 177). Hula is translated as to dance and make sport to the accompaniment of music and song. Unlike surfing and other sports and activities hula was something that was taken very seriously and practiced in everyday life. Mitchell (1975) states that the strict and rigorous training for the professional male and female dancers extended over a period of years. (pg 85). Although the hula may have been practiced in everyday life, the ancient Hawaiians did not use it for their own amusement as it is done today. The hula had great religious importance and dances were performed for kings, chiefs, or the public during important ceremonies like the makahiki. The dancers were specially chosen and were held in high regard throughout Polynesia. These danc ers required special education and arduous training in traditions, songs, and dance. Those persons who were chosen to become dancers were specifically chosen because of hulas relationship to religion. Emerson explains that it (hula) was a religious affair and the participants therefore had to guard against profanation by a conservative system of tapus and priestly rites(1965: 13). The dancers were initiated into a school which was more of a cultural institution called a halau. The halau functioned according to a very strict set of regulations and rules. In ancient Hawaii the strict tapus and importance of the hula required the halau to be a built by the entire surrounding population and the united effort regularly made it possible for a halau to be built in one day. Williams (1977) demonstrates the importance of the hula to ancient Hawaiians when she states: The hula not only was an embodiment of the beliefs and values of the people but also served as the keeper of tradition and as a vehicle of communication for passing on religion, history, and legends. The hula functioned as a cultural transmitter because it embodied, within the dance movements and the dance songs and chants, knowledge and productive skills, social sanctions, genealogies, personal and community experiences and the imagery arising from mans relation to nature. (pg 177) Like ancient forms of surfing, the dances and the games were largely discontinued after the introduction of foreign ways into Hawaii. Fortunately during the mid 19th century, King Kalakaua sponsored a revival of the hula while there were experts still living in the kingdom. Due to tourism and to a greater extent globalization hula as a symbol of Hawaiian culture but is not nearly as important as it once was. It is a uniquely Hawaiian activity but it is seen primarily as a physical activity and not as an important cultural institution. In Hawaiian Hula: an Institution, Williams (1973) writes: The hula, once a proud, vital institution of religious origin, has wandered so far that now the memory of it is either totally forgotten or is associated with the riotous and passionate ebullitions of Polynesian kings and the amorous posturing of their voluptuaries. A distinction must be made between the traditional forms and the gestures, bodily contortions, and words uttered by men and women actors of the hula today. Many actors in the hula no longer understand the meanings of the words, or suit the action to the word. The hula songs of old were performed in large measure in a way untainted with grossness'(1973: 182). Although some may view hula in this context, elucidating the differences between modern and ancient hula, the fact that it has such deep rooted uniqueness and cultural symbolism is important to Hawaiians and Polynesians in general. Conclusion Of the many physical activities and games that ancient Hawaiians had, very few survived to be important to Hawaiians today. Surfing and hula are two Hawaiian pastimes that have survived and their history is testament to their importance in Hawaiian culture. Surfing, initially a leisure activity that was practiced daily and used in religious ceremonies such as makahiki has become a very large international industry. Due to globalization this industry has proven to be very important to Hawaiian culture because of its relation to tourism. Surfing and surfing events such as the triple crown attract millions of persons each year to the islands. Tourism is the leading industry in Hawaii and like many other island communities tourism and surfing are creating new frontiers and opportunies. Hula, although not as popular globally as surfing, has remained a vital part of Hawaiian culture. This institution was of the utmost importance to the ancient Hawaiians daily existence and functioned as a tool to aid their religious beliefs (Williams 1973:177). In fact, hula was so important that it is said that every activity of the ancient Hawaiians had its own hula, from waking in the morning to carving a canoe. Due to globalization the importance of the Hawaiian hula has shifted from a religious and cultural activity to an activity that has its roots in Hawaiian culture but is used primarily for tourist spectacles and physical exercise. Although globalization has shifted the importance of these activities, the Hawaiian culture in its ancient and present forms and the close communal and co-operative type of existence of the people (Jones 1967:204) have shown to be the reason for the creation of these activities and that alone sustains their cultural importance.