Thursday, December 26, 2019

Literary Analysis Dream Like Quality - 1867 Words

Jorge Luis Borges was an Argentine writer who lived between the years of 1899 and 1986. Borges is known for his short stories that use elements of magic realism to leave the reader wondering about themselves and the world they live in. Magic realism can be defined as giving the story â€Å"dream-like quality† which is â€Å"captured by the presentation of improbable juxtapositions in a style that is highly objective, precise, and deceptively simple† (Menton 412). Borges used this to his advantage by taking simple everyday scenarios and adding a twist. In the case of â€Å"Dreamtiger,† â€Å"Inferno, I, 32,† and â€Å"Blue Tiger,† it is the element of a big cat. This forces the reader to identify with the protagonist, and as the narrators in these stories do, the reader themselves goes on to individualize in their journey to discovering their true â€Å"Self†.The journey to finding fulfillment is not easy but is important. Borges makes this ev ident by challenging the protagonists in his stories, he paints their journey as a labyrinth. Like a labyrinth the journey has no clear path, and has many possibilities, but once the center is reached, you find what you were looking for. Borges uses big cats to symbolize the process of individualization, and the obstacles a person must face in order to discover their true â€Å"Self†. It was during the 1920s that Borges first published his works of literature. It was also at this time that the concept of magic realism was gaining popularity and the works of Carl JungShow MoreRelatedLiterary Techniques Poetry Analysis 1758 Words   |  6 PagesLiterary Techniques: Poetry Analysis 1 Diction and Imagery Literary Techniques †¢ The meaning of a poem (i.e its focus, mood and the speaker’s attitude) is enhanced by four main types of literary techniques: †¢ Diction †¢ Imagery †¢ Sound devices †¢ Rhythm, Rhyme and Repetition Diction †¢ Diction is the choice of words a poet uses to bring meaning across. In working through a poem, it is useful to question why a certain word is used, and what kind of effect is achieved with the choice and placementRead Moresparknotes vs cliffnotes830 Words   |  4 Pagesimprove understanding the literary elements, character developments, and plot development that a author uses to help create the story. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Effects Of Early Educational And Extra Curricular...

Taking Sides: Modern-Day Parenthood The purpose of this paper is to provide a critical examination of the research by Anne R. Pierce regarding the effects of early educational and extra-curricular activities on the overall development of children (Pierce, 2002, p.39-43). The three flaws analyzed from the article Who’s Raising Baby? Challenges to Modern-Day Parenting, are the lack of supporting data analysis, presence of confounding variables, and lack of statistical evidence to support the claim. The strength of the research is found in the use of multiple credible sources to support the claim that child development is hindered by early pressures from education and auxiliary activities. Summary In the article, Anne R. Pierce provides a discourse to support her claim that children are spending more time outside the home because of an increase in educational and extra-curricular activities from a young age which is hindering children’s development. She also discusses how even when children are at home there is a lack of developmentally stimulating activities taking place (Pierce, 2002, p. 39). Pierce cites this occurrence as being a result of the increased desire of parents for their children to be more competitive and to have an advantage in the future, which creates a â€Å"philosophy of child rearing as a race†¦ [which] compels families toward incessant action† (Pierce, 2002, p. 40). The article goes through different aspects of psychological, emotional, and social developmentShow MoreRelated1 Student 1 Sport Policy1750 Words   |  7 Pagessports, but most voluntarily participated in the sport activities of their choice. Sports serve as an excellent p hysical exercise. Those who play sports have a more positive body image than those who do not. Sports often involve physical activities like running, jumping, stretching and moving about which turn out to be a good body workout. Playing sports is energy put to good use. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Startup Funding For Nestle Baby Food in Myanmar

Question: Discuss about theStartup Funding For Nestle Baby Food in Myanmar. Answer: Introduction: The baby food market mainly comprises of four product largely dried infant food, infant milk formula, prepared infant food and other baby food supplement (Mesch et al. 2014). The Myanmar food market is less regulated as compared to other market. Moreover, the sizeable population has provided many opportunities pertaining to market penetration. This summary report evaluates the market conditions prevailing at the Myanmar market in order to compute estimated level of costs that the company procures. Discussion: The amount of the Initial findings has been allocated in the following manner: Initial Funds Amount (Burmese Kyat) Initial Expenses: Regulatory costs 23,779,800 Logistical framework 48,040,000 Production facilities maintenance 29,064,200 Distribution costs 30,385,300 Research Development Expenses 36,030,000 Office expenses 48,880,700 Raw materials procurements 300,250,000 Initial Promotional Expenses 84,070,000 600,500,000 Start-up Assets 850,000,000 Total Funds 1,450,500,000 Assets: Non-cash assets 3400000000 Cash Needs 3200000000 Additional cash obtained NIL Opening cash balance 4,600,000 Total Assets 6604600000 Liabilities and Capital: Present Borrowings NIL Long-term loans NIL Accounts payable NIL Non-current liabilities NIL Total liabilities NIL Capital: Owners 560000000 Investors NIL Additional Funds NIL Total planned investment 560000000 Loss incurred during start-up expenses 46000000 Total Capital 514000000 Total Capital and Liabilities 560000000 Table 1: Estimated startup funding for the launch (Source: As created by the Author) Estimated Returns from products offered by Nestle Products 1st year 2nd Year 3rd Year Dried Infant Food (30%) 16213500 17996985 20606548 Infant Milk Formula (20%) 10809000 11997990 13737699 Prepared Infant Food (25%) 13511250 14997488 17172123 Baby Food Supplement (25%) 13511250 14997488 17172123 Total returns 54045000 59989950 68688493 Table 2: Estimated Returns (Source: As created by the Author) The numerous estimated expanses requires for the startup funds have been derived after taking into account the food industry dynamics prevailing in Myanmar. The initial expense pertaining to the costs stands at 600,500,000 Kyat after taking into account the probable expenses relating to the manufacturing, production facilities, expected distribution and promotional costs ( 2016). The return from different baby food items have been estimated at 9% of the initial expenses due to the fact that food market in Myanmar is showcasing profit margins of around 10%. Moreover, returns over the next two year have been estimated to be 11% and 14.5% on expenses based on estimated forecasts (Myanmar Medical Exhibition, Healthcare Conference. 2016). It has been suggested that initial funding should be sourced from the retained earnings pertaining to the other businesses of Nestle. Conclusion: The report shows the computation of initial funds required to launch Nestls baby food products in the Myanmar markets. The initial costs pertaining to regulatory expenses and raw material procurements are high followed by the logistical operations because of accessibility issues. The returns have been estimated after taking into account the industry forecasts. Moreover, the returns pertaining to different products have been apportioned according to the estimated contribution that each of the four-food item will provide. The chosen source of funding relating to the launch of the product line has been selected to be internal in nature as the retained earnings is recommended to be utilized in order to minimize the cost of capital. References and Bibliography: (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Sep. 2016]. Allied Market Research. (2016). Baby Food Market By Product Type (Dried baby food, Milk formula, Prepared baby food) and Distribution Channel (Super markets, Hyper markets, Small grocery retailers, Health and Beauty retailers) - Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2014 - 2020. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Sep. 2016]. Mesch, C.M., Stimming, M., Foterek, K., Hilbig, A., Alexy, U., Kersting, M. and Libuda, L., 2014. Food variety in commercial and homemade complementary meals for infants in Germany. Market survey and dietary practice.Appetite,76, pp.113-119. Dunn, E.C., 2015.Privatizing Poland: Baby food, big business, and the remaking of labor. Cornell University Press. Myanmar Medical Exhibition, Healthcare Conference. (2016). Myanmar Baby Food Supplements Health Drink Registration FDA Myanmar. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Sep. 2016]. (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Sep. 2016].

Monday, December 2, 2019

Parents Taking Control Of Their Childrens Education Essays

Parent's taking control of their children's education Sign up now for a free trial. Date Smarter! Parent's taking control of their children's education Never before in the United States have parents been so disgruntled about their children's education. The main reason behind this massive disruption is that public schools are not living up to parent's standards. Therefore, parents are taking their children's educations and futures into their own hands, and doing so quite efficiently. Many parents are turning to ["an alternative"] means of educating known as home schooling. Home schooling is simply ["education of school- aged children at home rather than at school."] Parents are choosing home schooling over public because public schools are not meeting their children's academic, individual, and handicap needs. First, parents are choosing home schooling over public schooling because public schools are not meeting student's academic needs. [Parents expect their children will learn to read, write, and acquire basic math skills by the time they graduate.] However, public schools throughout the United States are failing to teach these basic achedemic skills. Recent studies show that [" Of the 2.4 million who graduate, as many as 25% cannot read or write at the eighth grade level or "functionally literate," level, according to some estimates."] This is a tragic statistic for a nation claiming to be so developed. There are more opportunities to education in the United States than any other country in the world, yet evidence shows that the United States ranks [" at the bottom of 19 industrial nations in reading, writing, and arithmetic."] In addition, students are ranking lower than ever on Academic Achievement Tests (ACT). Children who attend public schools rank in the [" 50th percentile."] whereas, home schooled children [" typically score at the 65th to 80th percentile...."] To add to these statistics, [" in December 1989, the education press reported the amazing news that children schooled at home seemed to be five or even ten years ahead of their formally trained peers in their ability to think."] These statistics prove that home schooled children are doing better in math, science, reading and writing, compared to children attending public schools. Secondly, parents are choosing home schooling over public schooling because public schools are no longer taking student's individual needs into consideration. Since students are taught lessons based on an academic calendar year, they are expected to be able to complete specific tasks by the end of that year. When students fail to meet these expectations they are required to repeat the same grade the following school year. For example, at the end of a school year if a student is having difficulties reading but doing well in other subjects he or she will be required to repeat the same grade. If students were properly tutored in the areas they are having difficulties in they would not have to repeat the same grades. Unfortunately public schools do not give special tutoring to students like they once did. Teachers in the public school systems are teaching students as though they are on an assembly line. They no longer work ["one-to-one...."] with them. Unlike public schooling, home schooling allows parents to teach in a style that best fits their children's needs. For example if a child is not prepared to move on to a higher level, the parent can continue with similar lessons until the child understands. Also, children are not held back in the same grade if they are lagging behind in particular subjects. Their parents can move them to the next grade and tutor them in the subjects they are having trouble in. Children who are home schooled also get individual attention from their parents. They do not have to worry about waiting for their teacher to find time to help them. In sum, parents are finding that home schooling meets the individual needs of their children better than public schooling. Finally, parents of children with physical and mental disabilities are finding that home schooling meets their children's handicap needs better than public schooling. A major downfall of public schooling is that handicapped students are graded in the same style as the rest of the students. In public schools, children with handicaps are still expected to complete all of their assignments in the same given time as other students. Teachers are not taking these children's handicaps into consideration. For example, children with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) have trouble staying focused and are easily distracted. As a result of constantly being distracted, they are not able to complete their assignments. This type of grading style has become a great concern for parents of handicapped children.